Eddie Bauer is a trusted brand that consumers immediately identify with outdoor apparel and products, including extra-warm puffers, classic vests and hiking boots, for people who love adventuring and braving the elements. If you want to put your logo alongside a premium brand you can trust for all your adventuring and hard-work needs, look no further than Eddie Bauer, known for high-quality, classic clothing that lasts for the long term. The brand’s motto, “Live Your Adventure,” comes through in every one of its carefully designed outerwear and layering pieces that we stock and customize for you.
When you outfit your employees in a custom embroidered Eddie Bauer jacket, hoodie, work shirt or give your top clients personalized Eddie Bauer 3-in-1 jackets or packable jackets, people will see your logo alongside one of the most recognizable outdoor life brands in the world. Whether you need one custom Eddie Bauer jacket or backpack, or hundreds, we’ve got you covered, since we’ve been stitching custom brand-name apparel since 1980.
[-]Corporate Casuals stocks a wide variety of in-demand custom Eddie Bauer products, including classically made embroidered soft-shell jackets, water-repellent jackets, rain jackets, microfleece jackets, fleece vests, shirt jackets and more for men and women. Each of these popular items has an Eddie Bauer logo on it, adding to the appeal when you make it part of a uniform, a gift or branded merchandise with your logo on it for sale.
Eddie Bauer apparel and accessories have a great reputation for holding up performance-wise in all kinds of weather. This custom brand-name apparel also comes in at affordable price points, making it ideal when you want the clout of a long-standing retail brand famous for active travel garments and high-performance wear.
[-]Eddie Bauer has a century of expertise and authority in the outdoor space. Here are a few timeline events to get on your Eddie Bauer radar, if you’re fans like us:
[-]At Corporate Casuals, we’re big believers in one-size-doesn’t-fit-all, so we offer a great selection of custom Eddie Bauer products, so you can find exactly what you need. Once you choose a style you love, you can easily design a custom jacket, fleece, vest, fishing shirt, hat or bag for a uniform or personalized gift in our online Design Studio. Or, you can upload your business or team logo and we can turn it into a stitched logo for a small setup fee. Our experts hand-picked these custom Eddie Bauer styles and backpacks for their functionality, retail appeal and the fact that they embroider well. That means your employees will feel great and represent your brand superbly at every opportunity in this brand-name apparel, getting you thousands of positive brand impressions throughout the year.
[-]Our custom Eddie Bauer tech soft-shell jackets and vests, microfleece jackets, 3-in-1 jackets, packable jackets, shirt jacs, hoodies and hats come in a variety of styles and sizes, to offer just the right look, protective coverage, pockets, length and fit, depending on the wearer’s activity and outdoor environment.
Here’s a breakdown of just some of the most popular custom Eddie Bauer categories you’ll find at Corporate Casuals:
[-]Eddie Bauer has developed superior patented and trademarked fabrications and insulation that you’ll find in our wide selection of Eddie Bauer outerwear, hoodies and vests. Here are some of the company’s innovations you should know about:
[-]Now that you’ve selected the right custom Eddie Bauer style for your employees or gift recipients, you probably have questions about how we get your logo or message onto these in-demand brand name pieces as eye-catching embroidery. Here are the top things our customer service reps hear about how we stitch your logo on your custom Eddie Bauer gear.
[-]Q. I’ve never bought Eddie Bauer gear wholesale before. I only have a small image of my logo. Will that work?
Yes! It’s so easy you’ll want to do it again and again! All you need to do is upload it into our Design Studio, and we’ll take it from there. Our embroidery specialists have converted more than 100,000 corporate logos into stitch-ready files, so you can be confident that your custom Eddie Bauer jacket, fleece, vest or other item will be an excellent representation of your brand. If you have any preferences on the logo size, colors or location on your embroidered Eddie Bauer item, just add them in the notes sections.
Q. So you need to “convert” my logo into an embroidery file first before you embroider it on my custom Eddie Bauer jacket, fleece, vest, hat or backpack. What exactly does that mean?
When you upload an image or logo for us to embroider on your brand-name item, we convert it to an embroidery-machine-friendly file so we can stitch it out on our machine. (This conversion process is also called digitizing.) For the best possible results, we digitize your custom logo or artwork by hand. The talented embroidery artists on our Corporate Casuals design team use the most up-to-date digitizing software to develop a stitch file that will result in the crispest, best-looking embroidery. Even when you run artwork through the software’s auto-digitizing function, you still won’t achieve the same level of quality that our artists do.
Extra points for a great question! The thread colors you choose for your logo or message is one of the most important decisions you’ll make during your ordering process. However, we recommend no more than six to nine colors for an embroidered logo or artwork.
Most likely, you’re working with specific colors your company has selected to represent your brand. If that’s the case, you’ll generally have access to your brand’s Pantone Matching System (PMS) colors. We can easily match our embroidery thread colors to your brand’s exact PMS colors at no charge, so your logo on your custom embroidered Eddie Bauer jackets are 100% on brand. Our online proofing system gives you access to over 230 industry-standard thread colors by Madeira.
If your goal is for your logo to have maximum visibility to potential customers, then we recommend selecting thread colors that contrast strongly with the color of the custom Eddie Bauer outerwear, fleece, vest or bag you’ve chosen. However, since embroidery is such a unique decorating method, even non-contrasting logos can still look great.
If you prefer a more subdued look, you can opt for a tone-on-tone design where your jacket, vest or bag differs by about one shade. We can even do a color-on-color design where we match your logo color to the exact shade of your custom item. Since we use 3-D threads that reflect light in a unique way, viewers will still be able to easily recognize your logo, which will have a more upscale engraved look.
[-]Q. I don’t want my logo on my custom Eddie Bauer item. I might just want some block text embroidered on it. Is that possible?
Yes, absolutely. Simply visit our online Design Studio and create artwork using text only. You can choose from different block fonts, along with other fancy and script fonts. There’s no setup fee or conversion process required for any embroidered logos that you create in our Design Studio.
Q. Can I order a personalized Eddie Bauer with a name and title?
Yes, you can add a name and/or title for a small fee to each item. We offer free setup for all personalization. We recommend no more than two lines of text containing 20 letters per line for the best embroidered look. If you need something different, one of our knowledgeable Corporate Casuals reps can work with you!
OH MY GOSH. i got them via UPS yesterday and seriously, they are amazing! Thank you so much!
Received the shipment last Wednesday and the fleece jackets looked gorgeous! Thanks for helping to get this through quickly.
Just wanted to let you know that Shaina Decker is awesome. I placed an order for 48 embroidered sweatshirts and they arrived today. Shaina was very helpful, pleasant and patient throughout the process.